Life-changing cookies (weekly recap)

I know I keep saying this, but seriously, Alison Roman’s salted butter and chocolate chunk shortbread cookies are life-changing. I can’t stop eating them. They’re perfect.

The cookies were this week’s mother-daughter recipe club pick, and my parents loved them as well. My mom made half of her batch with butterscotch chips, but declared chocolate victorious. That’s because Alison knows (see the stew for another recipe from her hall of fame).

I also tried this avocado banana toast (yes, you read that right). It was…not as weird as I expected, but I probably won’t make it again unless I serendipitously have a ripe avocado, a ripe banana, and some of my husband’s homemade bread just begging to be toasted. And even then…

Saturday night was homemade pizza with fresh dough from our local grocery store. After years of trying to wrangle our dough off of a cutting board and onto a pizza stone — nights that have always ended in cursing and sometimes even threats of divorce — my husband and I discovered that we haven’t been using enough flour for rolling and transfer. Marriage fixed! Then I cut his hair, and things were ruined again. I mean, I think the bald spot looks nice, but it’s an agree to disagree sort of scenario.

I tried this kale salad to go with our pizza last night (starting to work my way through this list of the 20 supposedly greatest recipes of all time), and did not find it life-changing. Although, I subbed in parsley for basil, so this might have been why.

It snowed today, which called for a simmering bolognese sauce (also from above list) which was, um, also not life-changing (but still good!). I think my palate has been ruined by the cookies.

There’s really not much else to report, except lots of wonderful little things. Biking to a local brewery to fill up a growler on Saturday afternoon, then cracking it on a secluded bench overlooking the city on Saturday. Skyping with my parents on Mother’s Day. Zoom workouts. Making daily improvements on my malasana squat. Reading Eleanor & Park in bed each night. Slowly getting through the fifth draft of my novel. Oh, and watching my husband feed peanuts to the friendly neighbourhood squirrel.

Three things I’m thinking about this week:

Happy Mother’s Day, and have a wonderful week!


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